I love going to Costco! Knowing that there are new deals every week adds to the excitement. They have great prices and awesome selection. They seem to have something new every week, which makes the experience different every time. However, not being a bulk shopper makes it difficult for to shop for a lot of the items.
This location is not to bad, always well stock and kept very clean. Staff are friendly and have been able to answer any of my questions. The only downfall is, being located at heartland it's quite busy and the lineups can be longgg. Solution, go during a weekday.
One thing that is definitely worth your time, are their food section. Great prices and great quantity. Their whole chicken is delicious and for 8 dollars, it could be a meal for 3 days.
After going through all the aisles, you can look forward to their cheap restaurant. For $1.50 you can get a hot dog with a drink just to satisfy your stomach before you can get home. I would not recommend this to be your regular diet but it's a good filling once in a while.
So yes, visit your local Costco, cant go wrong with eggs, milk and roasted chicken if you are too lazy to make a meal.