I call this place the CarMax of the tire business! Here in Las Vegas, the climate drys out your tires faster then you can wear them out. Because we are in the Real Estate Business, we change our tires every 3 to 4 years to avoid any tire issues with clients in the car.
So whenever I need tires, I go up on the Internet & document some of the Best Buys on tires at the time... Just like I do for cars! Whenever I go into the store on West Flamingo, they always come in under my budget and have my tires installed on the car in under the time they promised.
There is no pressure to buy the most expensive tire and the price is the price, which is always less than what I expected to pay. They are also very respectful and friendly.
Last thing is, I recommend buying their tire warranty if you can.... On my last set, it cost me about $17.00 per tire... Again, because we have clients in our car, I have the tires checked out every 6 months Free to make sure they are always road ready. A few years ago, I had a tire that was wearing faster then the others, took it in.. They replaced is after 2 years.. FREE!
So that's my story about Discount tires... and I'm sticking to it!