This is a fun and unique establishment, but shady as the 100 year old oak tree out back. It was a great Sunday evening celebrating a buddy's 35th birthday and taking advantage of all that Cleveland has to offer. Rooftop drinks, great dinner, sunsets over the lake...all this was great but my buddy and I really had an itch to destroy our lady counterparts in numerous less than epic shuffleboard battles. We arrived, got some cold beers, and our shuffleboard gear and we had the outdoor courts reserved for an exhilarating HOUR of a good old fashion shuffleboard beat down....or so we thought...time flies when your having fun, but surely it couldn't have already been an hour when we were told to abandon our 28-22 point game at 10:05pm. I say, no way was that an hour. The establishment then confirmed we started at 9:05pm. Most people would accept this because surely they are honest and have nothing to gain by robbing our fun...I could not..quick check of the Snapchat history shows snap at 9:29pm at the start of game 1...hmm, that's odd. Review of uber ride shows we hadn't even arrived at the place until I confront the patrons at the bar who then look at me square in the eye and tell me my friends started playing before I arrived, to which I reply, the very friends that arrived in the same vehicle ...surely it is physically impossible to play shuffleboard at 9:05pm, when not even in the building until 9:21pm. After being caught in numerous bold face lies and confronted with a very impressive trail of iPhone evidence, the establishment only charged us half of the rental fee for the actual 30 minutes we played...but the damage was done, the nights momentum had been lost, the ladies had Uber's on the way with home as the destination...a sad end to a Sunday funday birthday celebration.