So I have to admit that I am an Indian food snob. I went to school in NYC and ate on 6th street (aka Curry Row) 2 to 3 times a week, because it was cheap and tasty. Once I got a job and had a little cash to spend, I scoured Queens for the best buffets and samosa stands. I'm a little nuts about Indian.
That being said, this is one of the reasons I'm culinarily comfy in Charlotte. Better than 90% of the Indian I've eaten, it's reasonably priced, traditionally spiced, has a fascinatingly diverse menu (Dosa's are amazing, and so are the curries! Their Szchecuan dishes taste like high-end chinese! CRAZY), and a sweet, if tho often harried, waitstaff. Very importantly: they trust you when you ask for "very spicy". If you tell them fry-me spicy, it comes out fry-me, crying, happy spicy. I can't tell you how often this is NOT the case, although my fellow Indian food snobs will understand how frustrating this can be.
Probably my favorite restaurant in Charlotte, hands-down.