I'm done with Joanns. Today @ this location was the last straw. They are having lots of sales, and this tiny little Joanns was crowded. I completely understand the circumstances and even joked with the gal that cut my fabric "I bet you'll be glad when this weekend is over", she was at least pleasant. Then I get the the counter where "Brom Hilda", of the witch people, waited on me. I'm an older woman, with some mild physical disabilities. To say this woman, who is older than me, was rude to me would be an understatement. I was so mad, I sat in my car deciding if I wanted to go back in and complain or not. I had a similar experience at the Dobson location and I've never been back. Looks like I'll be shopping at any one of the many quilting shops online before Joanns gets another dollar from me.