BEWARE of this company & what you are getting yourself into if you so choose to do business here. Read all the reviews & check out their score on BBB before you proceed (something I wish I would have done prior to coming here), & compare to other laser hair removal places nearby (laser for less, simplicity laser, etc.).
Here's my story: There is no pricing listed on the website, but I went in for a consultation to hear my options as there was a 50% off promo going on. It was an extremely high pressure sale done by Amy. I wanted to get 5 areas treated, one being the bikini area. She told me that WITHOUT the 50% off, it would be $14,184 and WITH the 50% off it would be $7,092. Not many people can afford such outrageous pricing, even with 50% off, so Amy lowered the price to $5,000. She said that if I pay $208.33 monthly with 0% interest, I'll be able to pay it off in a year & a half. This sounded ok to me because I figured it would be pricey no matter where I went (wish I would have done more research prior to my consultation). She then asked me for mine AND my parents yearly income so she could tell me the amount of credit I was entitled to if I wanted to get other treatment areas done. As if my parents are the ones paying for my treatment?! She tried making me feel better about it by saying I have a $10,500 limit & assured me the results would be well worth the money. She could tell I was iffy about it, so she showed me the top of her bikini area & said she hadn't shaved in 5 years. DON'T LET THAT PULL YOU IN. She said I could get treated right away & that it would only take 20 minutes. I felt pressured into the sale that I didn't get a chance to think everything through.
After going over the pricing of everything (and me innocently thinking $208.33 a month isn't so bad), I was handed an ELEVEN-page contract. Having to sign a contract should be a huge red flag because they must be protecting themselves from something (just look up "Ideal Image Lawsuit" on google and see what you find). Initially, it wasn't a red flag to me that they had a contract, I just thought that was typical business protocol for that type of thing. But trust me when I say this now, it is not.
I had my first treatment done that night immediately after my consultation & overall, it was a good first treatment. By the time I had to schedule my 2nd treatment, I was told that the lady who had treated me had moved to a different location so someone else would be treating me. Maggie gave me my second treatment & everything seemed fine until she got to the bikini area. I could feel DURING the treatment that MULTIPLE areas were missed and it didn't feel as though any of the laser pulses were overlapping one another. I didn't say anything to her after the treatment because I figured she must have done everything right (since she's an RN) and I thought maybe I was just crazy. But I felt a clear difference between my first & second treatment and still saw a patch of hair after she finished!! One month later, I counted twelve areas (anywhere from 1-5 inches long) that were missed. And these hairs NEVER fell out so I knew they had been missed.
I was angry & had taken a picture of my bikini area so they could see exactly what was going on. The Center Manager, Dawn, got in contact with me and tried to figure out what was going on. We spoke on the phone multiple times a week (never reaching a conclusion - she just wanted to add more free treatments), so I finally said I just want out of the contract and want a refund. She understood my request and told me that because I had gotten two treatments already done, I needed to pay for them in FULL. She said I would be refunded $3000 and that I still owed them $2000 for my two treatments. What they DON'T tell you at the consultation is that you only pay for the first 5 treatments & the remaining 4 are free touch ups. So, IF the 50% off promo was NOT going on, I would be expected to pay $14,184 for only FIVE treatments?? That is ridiculous. Even $5,000 for 5 treatments is outrageous. This information was never disclosed to me, so I was under the impression that my $5,000 was going towards all 9 treatments.
I told Dawn I will not pay $2,000 because that is not fair or reasonable to me when the RN who treated me clearly missed multiple areas, and, on top of that, I didn't know I was only paying for the first 5 treatments. Why would I pay for a treatment in full when half of the area was missed? She told me that someone else will be calling me to handle the situation. I still haven't heard from anyone and the last time I spoke with Dawn about all of this was 5/22/17. I plan on writing more bad reviews, reporting them to the BBB, and doing whatever other measure necessary for them to realize how UNETHICAL their practice is!
Long story short, DO NOT GO HERE!!!