So I was greeted from a far and told them I wanted a mani pedi, and eyebrow waxing. Before I went in I read the reviews, they weren't terrible and this is close to my house.
My nail tech pointed to a chair, I put my stuff down a picked out a color for my toes, and gel for my nails.
I asked how much more is gel($30) and pedi is $25. Not bad prices! And they give you 4 different options for pedicures, even better. I got the basic ($25) because I can't do a hot towel on my legs. i made sure to tell the tech that too (Previously burned, at Pink Nails in NW) so now my legs are extremely sensitive. The water was not too warm, but not bad.
I do have to say, that I was a bit uncomfortable with the tools that the nail tech used. She had a bucket container and normally you see a packaged set of tools and they open them right in from of you, obviously to show they're sterile. Well... I couldn't see in her bucket, but she had an array of tools clipped into the bottom of the lid. Kinda concerned but I have had a family friend who sterilizes her own tools, so nothing new I guess.
She did all the tricks, under nails, scrubbed the bottom of my feet. Trimmed and looked great. She did a leg massage, and I thought she was about to actually paint my nails, and she brings over a towel that is steamy. Oh god. And it smelled like the strongest detergent/ fragrant flowery smell I've ever smelled on a towel. I don't even know where she got the towel! But she let it cool off for a minute, she must have seen my face because I am honestly scared of these hot towels. So I let her do her thing, not bad but the flowery scent never left me. Toes painted, looked great.
Normally in my experience when you are done with your toes, they will lift the chair arm and help you off the chair, and walk you over to the table for the mani. She pointed and disappeared, and then came out, pulled a bowl from the sink and pointed again. Okay...
She does the normal tricks on my nails- no complaints there. She goes to massage my arms, and boom- floral fragrance nightmare all over again. But I deal with it. She does my gel and was done.
Paid and gave about a $15 tip, because I was also getting my eyebrows done, and did not want anything to go wrong with that.
A different woman took me in back, and started my eyebrows and actually talked to me. The other lady who did my nails didn't talk because come to find out knows hardly any English, which I had no problem with. She was still nice! Nice job on my eyebrows but told me I needed a facial, because I have ' too many blackheads and pimples.'
Okay... she said I give you discount next time you're in, $80 for facial.
Nice to offer but... idk.
No major problems with this place, just the tools!