Sexy, sexy, bo-bexy.
This place is gorgeous inside. Drenched in red light spilling from ornate lamps dangling on chains from the lofted celing and dark enough to make me pretty. *blink, blink* The loft sounds just wonderful, but i dont actually know what it's like because they've NEVER LET ME SIT UP THERE even though i've never seen anyone else up there either.
As for service... I've gotta agree that it's not particularly friendly - though I wondered if it was part of the authentic experience to simply treat me like the lesser half of my male companion. I'm half middle eastern. If you can't tell by my nose (and to be fair - many can't), you can definitely tell by the last name on my credit card. so when I politely ask about your americanized name, confirm its middle eastern origins, and hazard a guess as to the meaning (which i looked up later on and i was right, dammit)... there's really no reason to scowl at me and treat me like i've spoken to you without permission.
The drinks are so/so but I always like the hookahs there a lot. Good flavor may be worth the price... particularly the last time, when I got a surprising buzz after about 15 minutes.