Surprisingly large selection of books here.
My wife knew about this metaphysical book store for years, but when we went to visit it, its original location had been all boarded up for some time. We were later tipped off as to where it had relocated. The place doesn't look like much from the outside, but you go in and you are greeted by a wall of books going down a long wall. I was impressed. While I don't buy these kinds of books like I used to, some of the old used Manly P. Hall books (some of them signed) on the back wall were very tempting.
This just might be the best, most varied used book store I've found in the Valley so far. If you're looking in the Valley for spiritual/metaphysical/religious sorts of books in the Phoenix area (and there's a few of them there), don't skip this place. Lots of books, lots of space, and friendly service. It's cooler in there than outside, and I'm not just talking about the temperature.