Oh, how I miss you, Sushi 21. We were so close, once. Geographically, yes, but gustatorially, as well.
I used to live a block (or so) away from this place, and ate here (or grabbed take out) sometimes three times a week. Loved it. LOVED it!
The prices were fantastic, very affordable, especially given the quality of the food. Damn good!
The service...always friendly, though communication was often limited. There was the occasional cash register dilemma...usually with a new server who didn't quite have the hang of it...but whatever, i was gonna be waiting anyway, no worries.
My favorite sushi chef was a blonde-dyed guy who would only give his name as "Josh." That's cool, man. My name was still Robert, and our high fives were many and heart-felt. Your skills were finely honed, your humor genuine, and your creative flair MUCH appreciated by this humble diner.
Whether I was there alone or with a lady, when seated at the sushi bar I was always treated like a prince. Never failed to be gifted with some special sushi treat, a custom concoction from Josh. Yeah, my generous tips may have had something to do with this, but hell...how many times do generous tips just get absorbed into the gelatinous maw of the self-important? My man appreciated the money, no doubt, but probably not as much as I appreciated his craft and attitude.
I had too many good meals here to go into specifics, and a lot of the rolls I had weren't even on the menu. Suffice to say I never left disappointed, and even when doing take-out, everything was always very fresh and delicious.