This place is amazing. Not in the best part of town, but screw you pal. Let's say you had a rough week and it's time to relax and kibbitz with the guys.
Here's what you do. You round up some guys from the office. Possible clients, co-workers, your boss, that guy who's doing real well on your team, whomever. You pile into a car and go here.
Go down the deserted dead end alley and park in the lot. If the outside is snowy and dismal, all the better! Walk in the building. You're going to go up some stairs, and maybe think you're entering a death trap, that's normal.
Go into the darkened room and sign yourself up for a message. Stash your clothes, don a towel, and head for the steam room. Here's where you sit and let everything leave your system. Sit high, it's good for you. Here's where you joke about life, make fun of each other, "Hey Bill, stop looking at my junk!" - maybe dump a bucket of freezing cold water on your head. Walk out and submerge in the insanely cold pool. Rinse. Repeat. Yeah.
Mosey upstairs for that massage, then take a nap. You break from your slumber to meander in to the kitchen to order pickled herring for all. Steak and Beer for yourself. More talking should occur, but you are now to relaxed for the bullshitting element, so have a real conversation.
Then you leave this shangri-la and venture forth back into the world a better man.