Best place for maternity clothes by far! As soon as you walk in the door a salesperson will walk up to help you. You'll be offered orange juice or a bottle of water (I was 9 months pregnant in August, so yes please!) and they'll walk you through how the store is laid out. There are three different sections that are broken down by designers and price-scale. You've got your top, upscale designer section on the right (example: gorgeous Hudson maternity jeans!), your mid-scale, mid-price clothes (a lot of Destination Maternity brand, which is good stuff) on the left, and then your lower price maternity clothes with lots of great deals in the back (mainly motherhood maternity brand). It's so nice to have things laid out so you can avoid temptation if you're not going for the most expensive items. There are so many options you'll definitely find whatever you're looking for. Those staple maternity jeans, casual dresses, professional work, swimwear, formal dresses, sleepwear--everything can be found here.
There is also a spa, which I haven't experienced but sounds awesome. There is a small play area for kids that has toys and TV making it easy on whoever is watching the kids while you're in the dressing room. I have been here several times since having our little girl as it's the best place to find nursing tops/bras, baby gifts and other necessities for the new mom.