So I'm hanging out with my good friend, and he says to me 'Last night me and Suzanne went up to New South and had a half off bottle of wine and fried blueberry pie."
"Excuse me, what's that now? You had what now? You said fried something..."
"Blueberry pie..."
And so began my desire to dine at New South. Now I know what you're thinking: "Oh I can't wait to hear what he says about the blueberry pie!". Well stranger, I disappoint, because when I got there, the dessert offering had items on it even BETTER than aforementioned fried blueberry pie. I should have written down what they were called. I can only describe what I had as "Banana wizardry". It was a decadent, light, fluffy, syrupy banana (and rum?) cake with ice cream, reminiscent of bananas foster. Divine without being overly sweet.
We also had a full meal before that, of which I requested a surprise vegetarian meal since they weren't heavy on the vegetarian selections. Now, my theory on asking for a surprise is that it should instill in the chef a sense of adventure and a break in their routine. This was the result here. I received a wonderful mixture of items that were sides on the menu along with new creations. Each were distinct in their flavors and pleasing to the palette. Everyone's meal was great, including a big juicy burger and a salmon dish with big fluffy corn cakes.
Our waitress was extremely friendly, funny, and helpful. I'm the type to harass waitresses playfully, and she handled my idiocracy with grace and humor. The manager also made appearances at our and other tables to check on things, which I appreciate.
Bravo to this fine place.