I can't really decide if this place is a con or not. They may help you get rid of pain, but I do not believe for one second that they have acted in my best interest. After seeing them for over one year during which I had several procedures including cortisone shots (never worked for me) and radio frequency ablation (worked once for six months), I was told that I would need surgery. This decision coincided with the hiring of a new surgeon in their practice. What a coincidence! But my doctor decided I needed one more cortisone shot just for the hell of it. It meant going without pain meds for too long and a full day of misery, but what the hell, they want the money. Their surgeon doesn't take Blue Cross Blue Shield, so fortunately, I was referred out. Why would a surgeon not take BCBS? Google their surgeon! Seriously! Anyway, my surgeon installed three titanium cages in a cervical fusion process and removed lots of arthritis. The recovery is not nearly as bad as from RFA (radio frequency ablation), but I've been left with a nasty little Oxy habit that I'm kicking myself. My advice? Avoid the pain management places like the plague and get the problem fixed. Coming off this addiction to pain meds is much worse than recovering from the surgery. I'm doing it myself because my GP's office,thinking I was probably a drug addict looking for pills, suggested I google how to get off a years long addiction to first Percocet and then Oxy. It's one of the hardest things I've done. In all fairness, the PA, Lori, would absolutely help me withdrawal more slowly without all the bad side effects, but I just can't give these people one more dime, even if it means weeks of discomfort.