We walk in and meet a nice lady where we buy the card with credits. First game we play and it takes our 9 credits and doesn't work. Well that was great. Credits do cost money it's not like we were on some play for so many hours thing. Things were pretty cool from there until we got to the giant fish reel. The reel says we won 70 tickets awesome, the box even says we were awarded 70. So of course since 70 is a lot lets play again. This time the giant reel says we won 60 tickets! Child is super excited and I look down at the box and it says 15 tickets awarded. WHAT?! So I got robbed of 9 credits and at least 45 tickets. Never thought to watch any of the other times we won tickets so who knows how many Game Works really stole from us. It was over all a good time, just left a bad feeling knowing we got ripped off.