I shop here only by necessity as I keep Kosher and Sobeys has a huge kosher section, glatt kosher meat section, kosher bakery, etc in the store.
There is ZERO customer service at the bakery and fish dept. and if you need help in the meat dept. good luck getting someone to help you. I stood 10 mins at the fish counter and when I saw an employee she told me she was going on break. A manager had to service my request.
Generally the meat and fish dept are well stocked. The kosher bakery is not great and they tend to sell 3 day old bread at the regular price, so watch the dates on the baked goods.
The kosher aisles are plentiful and well stocked, lots to choose from. The cashiers are also very nice. The main problem is the customer service in the meat/fish/bakery area.
Also, I find the fruits and veggies of poor quality and overpriced.
The management is very nice and accommodating, so that is one bonus in shopping there (I bought 2 glass jars of soup and accidentally dropped them, and the manager replaced it no cost to me..)