What was once a beautiful store, styled in contemporary furniture with the feeling of being in a hip upscale design center is now more like a warehouse fire sale everything must go, we are about to close our doors kind of place. Sad really, I like West Elm, even bought a bed frame years ago. I was greeted fairly quick by one guy but the other employees were busy about doing whatever chore they seemed to be doing, but it wasn't to help me. The store itself is in disarray with lots of little pieces of styrofoam all over the floor and packed with stuff end to end you almost can't walk in parts of it. The prices though they are clearly posted, as I was just on the website don't really reflect a discount, warehouse outlet store kind of discount. By the rugs several were strewn about haphazardly and every table I touched was wobbly even the ones with a $900 price tag. The store today is a shell of what it used to be. Too bad.