Beware beware customers beware
I'm going to set up the story so that it's clear. my wife took my watch eight months ago to get it fixed. it was never fixed, they called her up telling her they were going to charge storage fees after they could not perform or fix the watch so she then made arrangements right away for me to pick it up. the ticket order was under her name, we have matching last names for me to claim my own watch. the clerk requested I show my ID which I did then they proceeded to write my name and my ID number in a notebook that look like it had over 500 ID numbers with matching names. I told him that I would not be comfortable with my ID number in the notebook. he then grabs the watch back really fast, then puts the watch behind him, and says that he will not give me the watch unless he puts my ID in the notebook I don't know about you but there's a ton of identity theft and he has over 500+ names and ID number names in that notebook. I asked the owner why does he have ID numbers in the notebook and he says that he makes the rules and I'm the customer and ask me to leave. I even tried to compromise with them and ask them if they could please scratch out the last four numbers of the identification card number and even that wasn't acceptable. I would have been okay if they could have at least done that and gave me a better answer of why they needed it in the first place instead of asking me to leave without my watch just because I asked a question. My wife had to go back later and get it.