Much like the other reviewer, I was shocked by the 40% tax thing, but even more, the guy down in the area where you pick up your car was a prick. Totally unfriendly, aloof, behaved like we were bothering him when asking a question (which he didn't know the answer to and made no effort to find out -- thanks dickhead!). Didn't even greet us as we approached, just barked at us to give him the number. Hmm...did someone recently graduate with tons of student debt, thinking they were gonna hit it big and now they're in...heaven forbid...a McJob? Don't take it out on us!!
For paying $200 for two days of car rental, the service could have been a lot better. The base price was fine -- only $35/day -- but the fees and taxes were worse than we'd ever seen anywhere. Maybe it's not an Advantage thing -- a Phoenix thing? never rented a car there before -- but since this was our first experience with this company, it didn't leave a good taste in our mouth.
The clerk who initially processed our rental was nicer, but not enough to justify the junk costs. Even with a AAA discount, it was exorbitant. Like we said to the cashier, "I guess they don't want people visiting Arizona!"