Very disappointed when I ordered from the healthy menu at what was served. I ordered the "Matty's breakfast taco" touted as a whole wheat pancake with yogurt, blueberries, strawberries, bananas and nuts. What I got was a regular pancake with yogurt in the middle then folded in half with the fruit on top. The disappointing part was it was then drizzled with chocolate and strawberry sauce and covered in a huge mound of whipped cream! Not at all healthy. Not that it wasn't delicious, the few bites I did have - but certainly not healthy. The server did offer to make me a new one without all the sweet stuff on it, but service was already a bit slow. I figured the rest of my group would be done before I got my replacement, so I declined. The website says "grandmas home cooking" - yep that's about on par with what my grandma would have called a heathy meal! But clearly it is not.