University Hospital has the worst bill system ever. In one cases, I had to pay the bill three times, so they stop threatening me with collections. If I mail the bill in, and they never get it. I sent through my bank, and it sent the wrong account even if it the account that I used last month for the same doctor. I think they create a new account every time they bill you to cause you more issues. When you ask them to move it to correct account and nothing happens. So I receive another threaten letter about nonpayment. Also if you are bill incorrect and they say they will fix the problem, it will never happen. You receive another threaten letter about nonpayment. The only way to pay your bill for University Hospital is in person and with a credit card, so when everything goes wrong and it will, you can dispute the charges. Also if you try to get back your money sit in the wrong accounts, they will give you the runaround, and you never see the money. They are sit on several check I mailed in and I also betting they have around a hundred dollar of my money sitting in wrong account that I will never see.