Residents of the desert are used to deprivation--used to thirsting desires that won't be quenched anytime soon. One of those thirsts: fresh vegetables in the desert. Fairly straightforward, right? It's a desert and, by definition, the climate cannot support significant agriculture.
Even though we know this, valley residents consistently complain about the quality of produce in the grocery stores and the lack of a farmer's market. With that said, know that I am reluctantly giving Fresh52 Farmer's market only 3 stars.
However, the middle of the road ranking is purely based on lack of quantity, not quality. There are only 2-3 farmer's stands at the market: 1 offering multiple vegetables, 1 selling blueberries and 1 selling asparagus and strawberries. However, the small number of produce vendors that are at Fresh52 offer fresh, crisp and delicious vegetables (we bought mushrooms, asparagus and brussel sprouts) and delicious blueberries and strawberries.
Based on the high quality of the farms that do have tents at Fresh52, I'll keep coming every Sunday, nursing the hope that repeat business will encourage more southern California vendors to come out to Henderson with great produce.