I'm a bigger fan of the shows that take place in the training centre [not that I know most of the people who play in the centre or anything...]
I have gone to see Dreams Really do Come True twice now, about 2-3 months apart. It's a great show, wonderful cast, I'm not a huge fan of sketch comedy, that considered it's still really enjoyable and I laughed pretty gosh darn hard at most of it.
I'm pretty cheap so I thought the drink/food prices were a little out of my range, the beer was okay, and the food was pretty good. Please keep in mind, I am very cheap, and the more I pay I expect lots more. Like it's totally unreasonable, but the staff is nice.
Just be weary the second time I went we were seated in the back room on the main floor, in the tall/bar chairs, which was pretty awful. Didn't complain because I didn't pay, but I would have been rather peeved if I had blown any money to be so uncomfortable for the show.