I know it is easy to rank on chain restaurants and it is true most Mom & Pop places can beat them with one hand tied behind their backs but they aren't all horrible. I used to think Outback was OK. Of course as far as steakhouses go they are no where near the top of the list, I don't even think they know where the list is or that it even exists. It is cheap, for a steakhouse, and the food was good but this last time I went I was really let down.
I know it's the hip new thing is to have smaller square plates but when your smaller plate still looks half empty it is not a good thing. Dress it up a little. Put something else on there beside the steak and potato. It looked a little pathetic. Then we come to the steak itself. It was cooked just the way I want it but it was tough. I felt like when I was a little kid and tried to eat steak and spent 5 minutes chewing one piece. It was very disappointing.
Now the service was great. The waiter was really good. Easy going. Friendly. Making little jokes. The place was clean and looked good. Everything was served in a timely manner. Now some places can't even get any of that right but when the biggest factor, the food, falls short. When you are expecting one thing and are so let down it is just disappointing.
Will I ever be back? Who knows. Never say never.
They do serve Coke Zero which I would normally give an extra point for but I have beer with my steak because the last time I checked I'm a man.