We went into to purchase some ammunition and they had a great deal of (not ON) 5.56 mm ammunition. There was a shopping cart with tons of 5.56 mm ammunition in cases -- which usually brings the better price. As there was one huge case (Brand X) with 1500 rounds (for $0.45/round price), I asked this individual in the firearms department what the case price was for the ammunition cases piled in the shopping cart, and he tried to shove the job onto someone. He didn't succeed. Persisting with my inquiry, he took nearly 20 minutes and then grudgingly gave in me a calculated price of $0.39/round (I'm not certain what was so difficult about calculating the case price): he said that he was wrong, and spent another 15-18 minutes calculating the price, which turned out to be $0.55/round.
No sale.
I'm not at all certain why he was so damned unpleasant; equally, I cannot for the life of me determine why these unmarked single boxes (20 rounds) or unmarked cases (1000 rounds) required so much time for someone to calculate a price. I used to price missile systems and satellites in less time (honestly!) than the nearly 40 minutes my friend and I waited at the firearms counter in your store on the afternoon of October 4, 2016, waiting for your employee to come up with a price.
It looked as if he felt put upon by asking him the price for a great deal of unmarked cases, perhaps 20,000 to 25,000 rounds of ammunition, which sat in the shopping cart. We were pleasant and not pushy: he's the employee, sitting on a stool by the cash register, looking like a cat who'd eaten a sour mouse.
Well, Sportsmen's Warehouse, I had $3700 cash and was looking for ammunition to purchase (my friend is in the process of purchasing a rifle chambered in 5.56 mm, so she might have purchased 2-3,000 rounds as well). You wound up selling me 1 box of 25 rounds of 12-gauge 00-buckshot, probably $6.95 plus tax: my friend bought nothing.
I tried buying: you should try selling.
If you're not sure what you're doing or why; if you want the ammunition more than I do; if you're not sure whether you should be buying or selling, just let me know. I'm not at all sure what you're doing -- and you're not either.