I wanted to do something nice for Miss Maggie but I'm broke... lol...So I wrote her story to the Ellen Show..... Here is part of the story:
The chances of you actually reading this story or picking it out of your millions of fans are slim to none, I know that but I need to try to pay it forward to someone special. I'm a single mom and I have been working full time, I found a daycare across the street from my apartment in Phoenix. I met the owner (Miss Nichole) and a teacher (Miss Maggie), they were kind, loving and had the best vibes ever, I sent my daughter there full time and I just had a feeling they were the perfect fit. They gave us a discount because they knew we were struggling, Miss Maggie changed her schedule to accommodate us, one day after numerous messages of "we need more formula please or more socks please" I came to pick up Kamilah and Miss Maggie said, " Im part of a support group for a woman with a child with a heart defect and we like to pay it forward to others in the community so we got you formula, socks, and bottles" I got tears in my eyes because her formula is $40 a tub (hypoallergenic) I had been buying the small tubs because we were on such a tight budget.... and it goes on and on the kindness they show is unparalleled. Every employee is kind and I wish I could buy them all a car or a house lol but here's a review instead....