Amazing burger. Terrible service. The burger was big and tasty, exactly what I was going for, really hit the spot. The service was me putting a tip on the debit machine and then being handed a slip and told nothing about how when my burger was ready the kitchen would shout out my number from way in the back for me to come and collect it.
I heard my number called a couple of times and thought they must be telling the server. Then she went back there and started yelling my number and saying "your burger is ready!" I got up to go get it and she handed it to me and said "in the back its always in the back" like I was an idiot who didn't understand how life works.
Why do people like this work in the service industry? And why the heck on the debit machine is there a request to tip on a $13 burger (just burger, no fries and drink) when she can't even be bothered to bring me my burger or even tell me I'm supposed to get it myself when I place my order? So I'm just giving her two bucks to get yelled at?
I'd go back for the burger. It was that good. But she's never getting a tip from me again.