I lived there for a year, starting in August 2013 when the building was just barely finished. While it is an okay place to live, I will not choose to live there again. These are my reasons:
- Management: they were very difficult to work with at times. I walked into the office and asked for the fitness room's temperature setting to be lowered from 85 degrees to 75 degrees, but it never happened. Additionally, they were extremely unprofessional and unapologetic about the constant fire alarms that went off in the middle of the night during the work week, as well as the blinds that weren't installed until weeks later after we moved in. The fitness room that was supposed to be part of the amenities also wasn't completed until much later, which caused people to need to sign up for gym memberships elsewhere (MPM did not offer to reimburse these).
- Not winter-proofed: the giant windows are of poor quality and have many leaks. Despite MPM saying that the building was inspected for leaks, the inside of our window constantly had ice around the edges. MPM argued that it was because we did not let the air flow around enough.
- Location: advertised as a very quick walk from the capitol. It's a brisk, uphill 15 minute walk that passes through some sections that I don't always feel safe walking by at night. If one of the reasons you choose to live downtown is so that you can walk to and from bars on weekends, then living at the Constellation sort of defeats the purpose.
There are worse places to live, but if you're planning on paying about $800/month + $100/month for parking, live somewhere else.