Stay away from this company. Do NOT bother with any offers, presentations, CONTRACTS including any form of communication. We attended a promotional presentation with light dinner with this company that made us believe there would be no commitment on our end and that they were just promoting their company to the public about timeshares. Once we sat for the presentation it seemed interesting and well who doesn't want to take a vacation or go on a get away from time to time while supposedly not spending much for it? I was reluctant in the sales pitches but the promising deals had one rethink things. Our awesome assigned sales person was just that awesome and offered to take us out to dinner after we agreed to the minimum timeshare package, the deal was sealed and signed 7+ days later our awesome salesman abandoned us and never returned or answer our calls.
We then tried to CANCEL the timeshare and were LIVID of the feeling of being duped! We were told after numerous attempts to reach out to him that they had recently changed their policy that once your salesperson you initially dealt is no longer allowed to be in contact with clients and you are now transferred to someone else which is...unknown. We also experienced a lot of billing issues from this company and apparently they use an outside third party that refused to send us billing statements, no possibility of setting up a direct payment plan, NO return calls from the department including the entire company of Shell. NO one called us back. It appeared as though these CROOKS get what they want from you with a contract of a timeshare and deliberately wait 7+ days out so that you are unable to cancel your contract. We were informed cancelation is within 7 days, but wait a minute I have numerous phone, email records that back up my attempts of reaching out to this company about canceling within that time frame! Guess what? They denied all of the attempts and refused our request to cancel. So what did we end up doing sucking it up and moving forward. Since being timeshare owners with Shell we have only used it once in going on 2 years. Due to our different schedules between one another, we have not had the opportunity nor the time to get away. We lost the supposedly "winning" prizes of signing up as new timeshare holders for a cruise and another 3 day weekend anywhere in the U.S. Again, we didn't have the time to use this within the one year timeframe since we are so busy and we were told after looking into it further that taxes, surcharges and other transportations like flight to get to these winning destinations were excluded.
Shell has notoriously has made contact with me to promote more sales to get us to buy more and more points. I have repeatedly have indicated we haven't even used the ones we have, why in the world would we purchase more and frankly, why would we bother giving them more money with the mistreatment we have had? Not only are you responsible for your timeshare plan package that you picked you are also responsible for any "maintenance fees, taxes, annual taxes" and who knows what else, it all adds up to taking advantage severely to consumers and we are unable to get out of it. A positive thing I have "Mr. Number" and have intensionally blocked them from contacting us. I'm glad we only purchased the minimal package, but we highly regret providing any time and the initial commitment to this lousy, bogus company. Shell Vacations is also known as Wyndam. I wish we NEVER set foot or provided our information to this company. They were set up as a sponsored booth at the Barrett-Jackson car show in Scottsdale. This company can get lost! They are phony with their promos of "family time, together time" just to get your money. They have NO sincerity, NO empathy, NO consciousness but to ROB the consumer on a regular basis.