Had a bit of time to kill before meeting my next client and had a craving for a delicious breakfast burrito. Yelp didn't disappoint, offering me several nearby breakfast joints. Upon entry, Nick's Diner II was clean and inviting. It was larger than I expected and I noticed each staff member diligently at work. I was greeted promptly, given 2 seat options and landed at the counter looking into the kitchen. I browsed the menu looking for any sign of "burrito" and before I could finish my server warmly asked if I knew what I'd like to have. I explained to her what I was after and she said, "I have just the thing for you." Moments later she returned with a monster burrito, toasted on each side and cut in half. As she sat the food down in front of me, I swear a choir sang out ENJOY . Long story short the burrito was amazing, filled with meat, cheese, veggies, and potatoes. (I would have liked to see the spuds a bit more crispy with more seasoning) all in all, I'd come back here and order my filling well done