THIS IS A SCAM. Don't buy it because they won't cancel it... even if they say they will. My mom went and purchased a program and the next day went to cancel it, spoke to multiple people to ensure it was cancelled. They told her it was cancelled and then three weeks later she starts getting bills to the tune of $9000+
She went there to talk to them and they said it was never cancelled and said she never went in to cancel it even though she did. She called them multiple times to cancel it and each time they ensured her it was all taken care of and cancelled etc.
This is a scam. Be very careful and STAY AWAY.
If you walk foot in to Fiore Trave, you are about to get SCAMMED!
Get EVERYTHING in writing, take photos of who you speak with, get names and phone number of who you speak with, take detailed notes on times and dates you speak with them.
Every single person she spoke to lied to her and now she's stuck with a $11,000 bill and they walk with their commission. This place honestly needs to be shut down. She went to cancel it multiple times, called them multiple times, and each time everyone ensured her it was cancelled. But it never was.