Lost a star for taking 4 days for a 1day job (their guaranteed time estimate, not mine). Another star for messing w my motor when I didn't take it in for the motor. Another for telling me my car will be fine to drive over night without a headlight. Another star for not looking at something that goes with what I was asking about and then refusing to warranty the parts I paid for if I didn't get this third $220 part. Really nice people, I got a great deal until all these unexpected extras. Too bad I most likely won't be coming back here.
I took my car home that night and got stuck waiting 2.5 hours for a tow becuz of some loud rattling noise from the bottom. Tow truck guy came and fished out a 2 ft wrench looking thing from under my motor. Took it back to Fletcher's to tell them and return the wrench when my check engine soon light came on. They told me my car had to "relearn" itself and its fine to drive. I took it to the dealership today to find out I needed a 25 cent part for my headlight, not a $500+ part and a computer adjusting. I definitely won't be going back unless something else happens that may be their fault but I doubt they'll fix it for free. I would take the last star away if I could