Man, getting a mortgage now-a-days after the housing slump is one major pain in the ass. Scott, Gabby and Kelly guided us through the maze of all the docs and paperwork. Did they make a few bucks on it? I hope so, because if they didn't they wouldn't be around to help others get a mortgage. Extremely satisfied. Scott was forthcoming right off the bat. "Need to fix this, this, this on your credit report, then let me know." No fancy sales pitch. Are they going to sell the mortgage? Don't know, don't care. Did we get the best interest rate? Don't know, but if we didn't, we can keep checking. At least we're in the house. Was it a hassle? Sure, but expected it to be with all the foreclosures. Are we happy with the service from Evergreen? Yep, expected to be paying rent for a lot longer. Now we're not. Are they going to make you happy? As long as you're reasonable, they'll bend over backwards to help you.
Are they going to get everybody that applies a loan? Probably not, even miracles have limitations. Would I recommend them to you or a friend? Sure, if my wife happy, you or yours will be too. Give them a call. By the way, this is the first 5 star rating I've ever given to anyone for anything. Hell, if I had the opportunity, I'd be a spokesperson for them.