Good old King of the hill beer distributor, this place has been around as long as I can remember, I think possibly before I walked this earth. Hmmm,. Under new ownership for the past 6 or so months, this joint has really classed up the place, it appears clean, has a easy to read and understand beer menu, and the beer is actually cold! The previous owners had been letting the place slip for some time, and the past 5 years of their business, it was a dump, the beer was chilled, literally by a air conditioner, the walk-in having broke and not been repaired or replaced . The staff the last year or so , had a high turnover rate, and were usually pretty sketchy folks, unpleasant to do business with. Ughh.... so, you have to love the new owners, thank you new king or queen of the hill, you make a part of my existence much easier to go