5th stop on the dine around tour.
The allure of mango, berry, and pomegranate vodka and gin mixed with oj, pineapple juice, and cranberry juice aka their Tropical Zumbie lured us to stop in, as we weren't really interested in trying anything else. We walked in, and were kind of shocked at the mix and match of all of the decor in the place. In the front were those fake wood tables with, as what Jon described them as, chinese buffet chairs, which was stark empty. Most of the crowd was in the bar area and the little lounge behind the bar. The nice bouncer directed us to have a seat wherever we liked, and we decided to just grab our drink from the bar and get a seat in the lounge.
We each got a drink and plopped ourselves down. The drink left much to be desired, though I will say it was strong. We pounded them down, remarking on the lackluster decor and were outta there. I can't say I'll be back.