WORST EXPERIENCE EVER! About 2 months ago we took our kids here, 5 y/o and 2 y/o. They had coughs and runny noses, typical cold (or so we thought). The dr came in and said there is nothing over the counter that we can give them, they just have to "ride it out". After riding it out didn't work, it got worse. My 2 y/o daughter had a fever of 105 and started having a seizure. We came here since it was close and we were absolutely terrified. Upon arriving, the receptionist asks us to fill out paperwork before being seen. Really? As my daughter is still seizing in my husband's arms and clearly not coherent. My husband and I asked to be seen immediately and they brought us back to a room where about 8 nurses stood around staring at us. They didn't check her oxygen levels because they were "all over the place", direct quote from one of the nurses. It took them what felt like centuries to check her temp, which at this point was now at 103. Then out of no where, the room emptied. That was it. No blood work, no IV, no blood pressure, nothing. My husband became irritated and a nurse came in and handed us a syringe of Tylenol and a rag and said "Here, give her this. Here's a reg if she throws up" and walks out. Were now 45 minutes into this visit and not one test was done. The main doctor, I assume, finally came back in and said my daughter was okay to go home, based on her previous seizure, its just a febrile seizure and happens when the fever spikes. Diagnosis based on no lab work whatsoever. They checked my daughters ears and said there is no ear infection. Now, 2 days later, we took our daughter to her pediatrician and they said she has pneumonia and a severe ear infection. I cannot believe this place operates like this. I am so disgusted by the manner in which they handled my daughter's seizure. I cannot believe any place would treat their patients like this. Oh and, when we were leaving, we saw 4 of the nurses outside the building smoking. Guess that's where everyone decided to go while my daughter was having a seizure.