I happen to really like Freed's Bakery, not only because of the addicting buttercream, but also, the friendly and helpful staff.
I went to Freed's Bakery the past Saturday to pick up a dozen cupcakes, at $1/piece. Yes, that is a freakin' awesome deal and does not come by that often, but it does come up! Anyways, after selecting my freshly out of the oven cupcakes, I got a dozen cookies, FREE because of Yelp check-in. The lovely lady that helped me took the time to explain to me the pecan and chocolate covered marzapan. She even let me tasted that cookie!
Gosh, it was such a great visit at Freed's. Note to everyone, you must grab a number and patiently wait to be called if it's busy. I was such a slowpoke to realize that I needed to grab a number. Nonetheless, I did get what I wanted so yay!!! I'm a fan!