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Subject Item
n4:Residue n4:Substance
Spiroksamin (zbroj izomera) (A) (R) Espiroxamina (soma dos isómeros) (A) (R) Спироксамин (сума от изомери) (A) (R) Spiroxamină (sumă de izomeri) (A) (R) Spiroksamiin (isomeeride summa) (A) (R) Spiroksamina (suma izomerów) (A) (R) Spiroxamina (somma di isomeri) (A) (R) Spiroxamin (Summe der Isomere) (A) (R) Spiroksamīns (izomēru summa) (A) (R) Spiroxamin (suma izomerů) (A) (R) Spiroksamin (vsota izomerov) (A) (R) Spiroxamine (som van de isomeren) (A) (R) Spiroxamin (summen af isomerer) (A) (R) Spiroxamine (sum of isomers) (A) (R) Spiroksamina (is-somma tal-isomeri) (A) (R) Espiroxamina (suma de los isómeros) (A) (R) Spiroxamín (suma izomérov) (A) (R) Spiroksamiini (isomeerien summa) (A) (R) Spiroksaminas (izomerų suma) (A) (R) Spiroxamin (izomerek összesen) (A) (R) Spiroxamine (άθροισμα ισομερών) (A) (R) Spiroxamin (summan av isomerer) (A) (R) Spiroxamine (somme des isomères) (A) (R)
Spiroxamin – kód 1000000 kromě 1040000: Metabolit M06 spiroxamin-karboxylové kyseliny, vyjádřeno jako spiroxamin (suma izomerů) (R) = La définition des résidus diffère pour les combinaisons pesticide-code suivantes: (R) = Die Rückstandsdefinition unterscheidet sich für die folgenden Kombinationen von Schädlingsbekämpfungsmittel und Code-Nummer: (A) = The EU reference labs identified the reference standard for spiroxamine carboxylic acid metabolite M06 as commercially not available. When re-viewing the MRL, the Commission will take into account the commercial availability of the reference standard referred to in the first sentence by 30 March 2017, or, if that reference standard is not commercially available by that date, the unavailability of it. (R) = La definición del residuo difiere para las siguientes combinaciones de plaguicida-número de código: (R) =En annan definition av resthalt används för följande par bekämpningsmedel-kod: (A) = The EU reference labs identified the reference standard for spiroxamine carboxylic acid metabolite M06 as commercially not available. When re-viewing the MRL, the Commission will take into account the commercial availability of the reference standard referred to in the first sentence by 30 March 2017, or, if that reference standard is not commercially available by that date, the unavailability of it. Спироксамин — код 1000000 с изключение на 1040000: Метаболит М 06 спироксамин карбоксилна киселина, изразен като спироксамин (сума от изомери) (R) =Definicija ostatka razlikuje se za sljedeće kombinacije pesticida i brojčanih oznaka: (R) = Definícia rezídua je odlišná pri týchto kombináciách pesticíd – kód: (A) = The EU reference labs identified the reference standard for spiroxamine carboxylic acid metabolite M06 as commercially not available. When re-viewing the MRL, the Commission will take into account the commercial availability of the reference standard referred to in the first sentence by 30 March 2017, or, if that reference standard is not commercially available by that date, the unavailability of it. Spiroxamine — code 1000000 excepté le code 1040000: métabolite M06 spiroxamine-acide carboxylique, exprimé en spiroxamine (somme des isomères) (R) = opredelitev ostanka se razlikuje za naslednje kombinacije pesticid – številčna oznaka: Spiroksamina — kodiċi 1000000 għajr 1040000: Metabolita M 06 aċidu karbossiliku tal-ispiroksamina, espress bħala spirossammina (l-ammont ta´ isomeri) (A) = The EU reference labs identified the reference standard for spiroxamine carboxylic acid metabolite M06 as commercially not available. When re-viewing the MRL, the Commission will take into account the commercial availability of the reference standard referred to in the first sentence by 30 March 2017, or, if that reference standard is not commercially available by that date, the unavailability of it. (A) = The EU reference labs identified the reference standard for spiroxamine carboxylic acid metabolite M06 as commercially not available. When re-viewing the MRL, the Commission will take into account the commercial availability of the reference standard referred to in the first sentence by 30 March 2017, or, if that reference standard is not commercially available by that date, the unavailability of it. (R) =A definição do resíduo difere para as seguintes combinações pesticida-número de código: Espiroxamina — código 1000000, excepto 1040000: Metabolito M06 ácido carboxílico de espiroxamina expresado como espiroxamina (suma de los isómeros) Spiroxamine — code 1000000 except 1040000: Spiroxamine carboxylic acid metabolite M06, expressed as spiroxamine (sum of isomers) Spiroxamine — κωδικός 1000000 εκτός από 1040000: μεταβολίτης spiroxamine-καρβοξυλικό οξύ (M06), εκφρασμένο ως spiroxamine (άθροισμα ισομερών) (R) = Определението за остатъчно вещество се различава за следните комбинации пестицид — номер на код: (R) = atlieku definīcija atšķiras šādām pesticīdu kodu kombinācijām: tiabendazols – kods 100000, izņemot 1020000 un 1040000: (A) = The EU reference labs identified the reference standard for spiroxamine carboxylic acid metabolite M06 as commercially not available. When re-viewing the MRL, the Commission will take into account the commercial availability of the reference standard referred to in the first sentence by 30 March 2017, or, if that reference standard is not commercially available by that date, the unavailability of it. (R) = Id-definizzjoni ta´ residwu tvarja għall-kombinazzjonijiet pestiċida-numru tal-kodiċi li ġejjin: (A) = The EU reference labs identified the reference standard for spiroxamine carboxylic acid metabolite M06 as commercially not available. When re-viewing the MRL, the Commission will take into account the commercial availability of the reference standard referred to in the first sentence by 30 March 2017, or, if that reference standard is not commercially available by that date, the unavailability of it. (A) = The EU reference labs identified the reference standard for spiroxamine carboxylic acid metabolite M06 as commercially not available. When re-viewing the MRL, the Commission will take into account the commercial availability of the reference standard referred to in the first sentence by 30 March 2017, or, if that reference standard is not commercially available by that date, the unavailability of it. (R) =Voor de volgende combinaties van bestrijdingsmiddel en codenummer geldt een andere residudefinitie: (R) = Skirtingai apibrėžiamos liekanos pesticidų, kurių kodų skaitmenų deriniai nurodomi toliau: Spiroxamina: codice 1000000 eccetto 1040000: acido carbossilico di spiroxamina, metabolita M06, espresso come spiroxamina (somma di isomeri) (R) =Jäämän määritelmä eroaa seuraavien torjunta-aineen ja koodin yhdistelmien osalta: (R) =La definizione del residuo è diversa per le seguenti combinazioni di antiparassitari e numeri di codice: (A) = The EU reference labs identified the reference standard for spiroxamine carboxylic acid metabolite M06 as commercially not available. When re-viewing the MRL, the Commission will take into account the commercial availability of the reference standard referred to in the first sentence by 30 March 2017, or, if that reference standard is not commercially available by that date, the unavailability of it. (A) = The EU reference labs identified the reference standard for spiroxamine carboxylic acid metabolite M06 as commercially not available. When re-viewing the MRL, the Commission will take into account the commercial availability of the reference standard referred to in the first sentence by 30 March 2017, or, if that reference standard is not commercially available by that date, the unavailability of it. (R) = The residue definition differs for the following combinations pesticide-code number: (A) = The EU reference labs identified the reference standard for spiroxamine carboxylic acid metabolite M06 as commercially not available. When re-viewing the MRL, the Commission will take into account the commercial availability of the reference standard referred to in the first sentence by 30 March 2017, or, if that reference standard is not commercially available by that date, the unavailability of it. (A) = The EU reference labs identified the reference standard for spiroxamine carboxylic acid metabolite M06 as commercially not available. When re-viewing the MRL, the Commission will take into account the commercial availability of the reference standard referred to in the first sentence by 30 March 2017, or, if that reference standard is not commercially available by that date, the unavailability of it. (R) =Definice rezidua se liší u následujících kombinací pesticid – číselný kód: Spiroksamīns — kods 1000000, izņemot 1040000: spiroksamīna karbonskābes metabolīts M06, izteikts kā spiroksamīns (izomēru summa). Spiroxamină – codul 1000000 cu excepția 1040000: Metabolitul M06 acid carboxilic spiroxamină, exprimat în spiroxamină (sumă de izomeri) (A) = The EU reference labs identified the reference standard for spiroxamine carboxylic acid metabolite M06 as commercially not available. When re-viewing the MRL, the Commission will take into account the commercial availability of the reference standard referred to in the first sentence by 30 March 2017, or, if that reference standard is not commercially available by that date, the unavailability of it. Spiroxamine — code 1000000 met uitzondering van 1040000: spiroxaminecarbonzuur metaboliet M06, uitgedrukt als spiroxamine (som van de isomeren) (A) = The EU reference labs identified the reference standard for spiroxamine carboxylic acid metabolite M06 as commercially not available. When re-viewing the MRL, the Commission will take into account the commercial availability of the reference standard referred to in the first sentence by 30 March 2017, or, if that reference standard is not commercially available by that date, the unavailability of it. (R) =jääkide määratlus on erinev pestitsiidi ja koodnumbri järgmise kombinatsiooni puhul: (A) = The EU reference labs identified the reference standard for spiroxamine carboxylic acid metabolite M06 as commercially not available. When re-viewing the MRL, the Commission will take into account the commercial availability of the reference standard referred to in the first sentence by 30 March 2017, or, if that reference standard is not commercially available by that date, the unavailability of it. Spiroxamin — kode 1000000 undtagen 1040000: spiroxamincarboxylsyremetabolitten M06, udtrykt som spiroxamin (summen af isomerer) (A) = The EU reference labs identified the reference standard for spiroxamine carboxylic acid metabolite M06 as commercially not available. When re-viewing the MRL, the Commission will take into account the commercial availability of the reference standard referred to in the first sentence by 30 March 2017, or, if that reference standard is not commercially available by that date, the unavailability of it. Spiroksamin – brojčana oznaka 1000000 osim 1040000: Metabolit spiroksamin karboksilne kiseline M06 izražen kao spiroksamin (zbroj izomera) Spiroxamin – kod 1000000 utom 1040000: Metaboliten spiroxaminkarboxylsyra M06, uttryckt som spiroxamin (summan av isomerer) (A) = The EU reference labs identified the reference standard for spiroxamine carboxylic acid metabolite M06 as commercially not available. When re-viewing the MRL, the Commission will take into account the commercial availability of the reference standard referred to in the first sentence by 30 March 2017, or, if that reference standard is not commercially available by that date, the unavailability of it. Spiroksamina – kod 1000000 oprócz 1040000: metabolit M06 kwasu karboksylowego spiroksaminy wyrażony jako spiroksamina (suma izomerów) (A) = The EU reference labs identified the reference standard for spiroxamine carboxylic acid metabolite M06 as commercially not available. When re-viewing the MRL, the Commission will take into account the commercial availability of the reference standard referred to in the first sentence by 30 March 2017, or, if that reference standard is not commercially available by that date, the unavailability of it. Espiroxamina — código 1000000 exceto 1040000: metabolito M06 do ácido carboxílico da espiroxamina, expresso em espiroxamina (soma dos isómeros) (R) = Definiția reziduurilor diferă pentru următoarele combinații pesticid-număr de cod: (A) = The EU reference labs identified the reference standard for spiroxamine carboxylic acid metabolite M06 as commercially not available. When re-viewing the MRL, the Commission will take into account the commercial availability of the reference standard referred to in the first sentence by 30 March 2017, or, if that reference standard is not commercially available by that date, the unavailability of it. Spiroksamin – oznaka 1000000 razen 1040000: Metabolit spiroksamin karboksilne kisline M06, izražen kot spiroksamin (vsota izomerov) Spiroksamiini – koodi 1000000 paitsi 1040000: Spiroksamiinikarboksyylihapon metaboliitti M06, ilmaistuna spiroksamiinina (isomeerien summa) (R) =Definicja pozostałości różni się dla następujących kombinacji pestycydu-numeru kodu: (A) = The EU reference labs identified the reference standard for spiroxamine carboxylic acid metabolite M06 as commercially not available. When re-viewing the MRL, the Commission will take into account the commercial availability of the reference standard referred to in the first sentence by 30 March 2017, or, if that reference standard is not commercially available by that date, the unavailability of it. (R) =a szermaradék meghatározása a következő növényvédőszer-kódszám kombinációk esetében különböző: (A) = The EU reference labs identified the reference standard for spiroxamine carboxylic acid metabolite M06 as commercially not available. When re-viewing the MRL, the Commission will take into account the commercial availability of the reference standard referred to in the first sentence by 30 March 2017, or, if that reference standard is not commercially available by that date, the unavailability of it. (A) = The EU reference labs identified the reference standard for spiroxamine carboxylic acid metabolite M06 as commercially not available. When re-viewing the MRL, the Commission will take into account the commercial availability of the reference standard referred to in the first sentence by 30 March 2017, or, if that reference standard is not commercially available by that date, the unavailability of it. (R) = Ο ορισμός των καταλοίπων διαφέρει για τους ακόλουθους συνδυασμούς φυτοφαρμάκου και κωδικού αριθμού: (R) = The residue definition differs for the following combinations pesticide-code number: Spiroxamin — Code-Nummer 1000000, ausgenommen 1040000: Metabolit M06 (Spiroxamincarbonsäure), ausgedrückt als Spiroxamin (Summe der Isomere) Spiroxamin – kód: 1000000, kivéve 1040000: Spiroxaminkarbonsav M06 metabolitja, spiroxaminban kifejezve (izomerek összesen) Spiroksamiin – kood 1000000, v.a kood 1040000: spiroksamiinkarboksüülhappe metaboliit M06, väljendatud spiroksamiinina (isomeeride summa) (A) = The EU reference labs identified the reference standard for spiroxamine carboxylic acid metabolite M06 as commercially not available. When re-viewing the MRL, the Commission will take into account the commercial availability of the reference standard referred to in the first sentence by 30 March 2017, or, if that reference standard is not commercially available by that date, the unavailability of it. Spiroksaminas – kodas 1000000, išskyrus 1040000: Spiroksamino karboksirūgšties metabolitas M06, išreikštas kaip spiroksaminas (izomerų suma) Spiroxamín – kód 1000000 okrem 1040000: metabolit kyseliny spiroxamínkarboxylovej M06 vyjadrený ako spiroxamín (suma izomérov)
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