| - While we were visiting Montreal we had a hard time finding good coffee in the area. The coffee everywhere else wasn't necessarily bad, but I work for Mocha Joe's in Vermont, so I get to drink great coffee everyday.
Pikolo was serving Phil & Sebastian and Heart coffee roasters, which is definitely good stuff, up there with Intelligentsia or Terroir. The espresso shots were single origin and we had Ethiopian Yurko. It was really bright up front and faded into a sort of cocoa as a finish. In my opinion the espresso isn't sour, it's acidic and when it comes to specialty coffee, that's a desirable characteristic. They also have a super nice Mirage espresso machine, weigh out the ground coffee for each shot and used naked portafilters so they (and you if you want to) can see the pour.
The drip coffee was Guatemala La Esperanza. The only thing they didn't have that I wanted was a larger cup, they only serve one size for to go cups which I think was 12oz. That's usually what I drink but as we headed out of Montreal, I really wanted a larger cup for the road.
The Barista's were super friendly, knowledgeable and happy to chat with me about coffee for a couple of minutes. We also tried a variety of their muffins and they are totally worth getting if you want a light snack or breakfast. Overall, awesome place that you should definitely check out if you love coffee as much as I do.