Good variety, but lack of consistency. You may not find the same thing in stock twice in a row. There are oils, resins, lotions, rolled herb spliffs, ecigarette fluid and edibles. It's a little pricey and the bottom shelf stuff is lower quality. It's cash only.
You get a slip with what you are requesting on it with the help of a sales associate. Then you go stand in line to pay. If they are out you might have to start over, get a new slip and go to the end of the line.
There are frequent customer cards where you can build up credits based on what you buy. These cards are free. It's kind of like a grocery store card.
If you don't have a medical marijuana card, all of the strains and items will not be available to you. The store itself is very clean and filled with friendly staff. You sit in a waiting area to be called in to come shop.