I should not have gone to U-Swirl this last weekend for many reasons. I had just eaten a large breakfast maybe an hour earlier. I don't care much for frozen yogurt. There are better things to spend ones money on. But the fact remains that I was hot and needed something cold while waiting in the area for an appointment one hour away. So I went in and saw they had a strawberry yogurt and NY Cheese Cake yogurt next to each other. I got a small bit of both swirled in the smallest bowl I could find. I topped it with a few strawberries and some Golden Graham cereal. $2 and change later I was sitting down relaxing and eating my fro-yo. It was OK but not mind blowing. The first bit of yogurt that came out of the machine was watery and a bit off putting. The NY Cheese Cake tasted more like coconut than cheese cake. Both yogurts had icy chunks that I did not much like biting into. It reminded me of my grandma's homemade ice cream but it was rather unlike the creamy frozen yogurt that I know I've had elsewhere. Finally, why is there a tip jar in a self-serve establishment? I tip for service provided not for people who have already taken money from me without providing a noticeable service in return.