I arrived at a 10pm flight at Mccarran airport Las Vegas, took the tram to the rental car center, and then took the secondary shuttle bus to economy rent-a-car on Las Vegas BLVD and Blue Diamond-Windmill.
I arrived at economy at around 11:15, just before closing for most of the car rental centers.
I had booked my reservation on Expedia.com the week prior at a daily rate of around $24.00 per day and declined the optional insurance. When i arrived at the economy counter I was informed that Insurance was mandatory, HOWEVER because I had a local Identification card, i would have to provide my own insurance.
Therefore, they could not rent me a car.
The rental agent had the audacity to look me in the eye and say
"Ill go ahead and cancel this reservation for you free of charge"
Thanks BUDDY !
Always looking out for me !