The formula is simple.
Bring in clean, quality, season appropriate clothes. Let the experts do their thing as they access if they would like to trade/purchase your goodies. Don't argue with them. Accept cash or merchandise credit for what, if anything, they do take! I'm often disappointed with things that the fashion gurus don't take, but that's only because at one time I was passionate enough about this piece of clothing that I somehow became attached to it. After selling many times to Buffalo's across the country I have learned that it's nothing personal.
Funny thing is, I've never actually bought anything at a Buffalo Exchange. I'm too specific about things I'm looking for when I shop, but hot damn. This locale has some good stuff!
The staff is super nice, the music is blasting, and it's nearby some of my favorite watering holes. I might just be inspired to shop the next time I'm boozing in the Art District!