This is what happens when a biz gets a lot of customers... It becomes a cattle line. Next! Next! Next! Do they care if it's good? If it's right? Well if they do I did not get that impression. 'You move, you don't have to stand there' that's what I was told. It really makes you miss Subway, that's for sure. They don't care if you need to add extra fixings in the sandwich, just go pay for it. Wow! But in the end, the food is what matters, right? Well, if that's the case then, forget 'bout it! The chicken to begin with was totally tasteless. I asked for oil and vinegar, and they put so much vinegar, I could still taste it days later. I asked Siri to remind me not to ever come back to this store... Have it on the calendar lol - now I only wish I could get my $9 back. I hate to waste money.