| - OK so anybody that knows me knows that I normally have a 7-Eleven coffee cup in my hand, not with coffee but with hot chocolate LOL. I love their hot chocolate, water and powder! Ha I know kind of gross. But it's dairy free LOL.
Enough about my little love for their fake hot chocolate I go to 7-Eleven every day (that I'm in Charlotte) sometimes even in other cities when I'm traveling. My go to 7-Eleven was Kings Drive. But it since switched to a different convenient store. (So sad)
So about six years ago I got a gift card for 7-Eleven Ha how fitting? I've kept it ever since, and when the balance gets low I just reload it. (Duh) sometimes $10 sometimes $50 sometimes even 100.
I have the app (every seven drinks you get one free)so he scanned my phone, then swiped my GC, the clerk said my balance was low, so I wanted to reload for $10 he added into the computer. I went to pay and the manager abruptly came over, she told me they only accept cash for gift cards. What? I've been going to 7-11 on and off for six years (If not your store other 7-Eleven's) so since when is that a policy?
She was rude and told me that she doesn't make the rules, she was "sorry we don't do that"
I wasn't upset I was just questioning why all of a sudden you couldn't pay with a credit card. Plus she told me she was "busy"!!! Haha
Great customer service!!!!
7-Eleven's are franchises so essentially it's a small business. why you wouldn't want to accommodate your customer is beyond me!!! Especially a person that comes into your store every day sometimes more than once.
People who work there have rang it in before, so she was choosing not to allow it! Not that the system wouldn't allow it!
I'm sorry I didn't have any cash I wanted to reload a card to give your store money and you told me that the only way to pay for a gift card was with cash!
So I left with $1.39 on my credit card for just one cup of hot chocolate and I may start visiting the one on Tyvola instead ha!
I'm all about customer service and it's really nice to walk in and be greeted and have a friendly staff say hi and chat with you for a minute.
that used to be the case at the store but recently all the good ones are gone.
The manager sucks in my opinion. The customer is always right, and I wasn't asking for anything crazy. It's just convenient to swipe a gift card rather then my CC daily for a small transaction.
she should've done the transaction because guess what, when she's not in the store it works, they are perfectly capable of swiping my gift card then they swipe my credit card I walk out reloaded and they walk out with 50 or hundred dollars more in their pocket.
Can't imagine an owner being pleased with how she handled that.
The guy behind me was so nice and said "well she took the convenience out of convenient store"
Awesome punch line!
Happy Tuesday