I effin LOVE the Penguin!
I fly my effin' freak flag at the Pen every time I'm in Charlotte. That burger rawks! Pair it with a nice 2012 Pabst or a bottle of Cheerwine and throw in some fried pickles and you, my friend, are good to go. You're in the South, mothertrucker!
Don't! Do NOT! DO NOT EVEN THIIIIIIINK about leaving without grabbing a banana pudding. You can even take it to go, but do not leave that restaurant without banana pudding in either your stomach or your hand.
It's one of the few places on this planet I actually invested in the apparel they had for sale. That's how much I like the place. I had to get myself a Penguin Drive-In trucker hat. Then my Charlotte girlfriend's dog ate it and it's been lost until I return to the Pen for another one. Then again, the more I think about it, the whole "my dog ate it" sounds like bewlshlt, right?
Now I'm pissed. But I still love the Penguin. Five stars, bitches!