The food and service at Fat Bastard Burrito in Pickering were simply outstanding. You can see the passion that the brothers who run the place have. The younger of the two actually came out to ensure that my burrito was to my satisfaction.
I ordered a HUGE ($11.49) specialty burrito, the sweet chili thai chicken with a chocolate milk and a bag of habanero chips. The meal came to around $13, great value for the amount of food you get. The burrito was delicious, in addition to the usual rice, beans, and other vegetable toppings at this place you could put noodles inside which was a nice variation from the usual. The home-made BBQ sauce was a nice touch too. BEWARE: the habanero chips are delicious but are literally the hottest chips I have ever eaten and I can stomach very spicy food.
Overall great place, will definitely be back again soon.