The places one eats at solely for the purpose of convenience... it's a problem! I was meeting up with a friend and Eggspectation was the chosen spot because it's not overly expensive and I assumed that eggs needed relatively little cooking time = perfect since us non-management staff are bound by whip and chains when it comes to our 1 hour lunch breaks!
I opted for the California Eggs Benny ($13.99) + an extra ($1.50 I think), if you want to swap for healthier options (fruit salad/mixed greens instead of potatoes). So many things went wrong after we ordered.
1. My egg was more like a boiled egg as the yolk was not runny
2. I thought blanching asparagus was a pretty basic thing to do, but apparently the cooks here throw in the asparagus, take a smoke break come back and then suddenly remember that they had asparagus cooking - the result - asparagus so pale and limp that it might as well be one of those noodles you used as a kid to float around in the pool. Heck, THOSE might even be more firm.
3. I specifically paid the extra money to NOT get potatoes on my plate. What happens? They bring me potatoes.
My friend opted for the Fish & Chips ($8.99?) which he seemed to enjoy. I stole a few of his shoestring fries and they were pretty good, though lacking in colour, and very pale.
For lunch hour, this place was severely understaffed with only 1 server, 1 hostess and the manager running the show. I know it's a greasy spoon, but that's no excuse for mediocre service and crappy food. Even McDonald's has higher standards than this!