| - Health Net is the worst! It is hard enough to find a doctor that you like enough to see again, they make it even more difficult. I searched their database to see if my pcp was listed, and she was. I signed on the dotted line and paid up- and then went to the directory again to see if any of my other doctors were in the list. They were not. I looked again to see if my pcp, who I had seen there as a condition of my taking their plan, and she was not. Their sales "consultant" had manipulated the directory to show her, and said she was there, when she was not.
I went to 3 vision centers before I found a doctor who would accept their insurance. I finally found one who was listed at 2 locations, one of which was the welfare clinic (AHCCCS). I paid over $400 a month to line up with all the AHCCCS patients? Eventually, I sorted it out, found another doctor who could bill HealthNet because he is in the same medical group as the one running the clinic (who i'm sure is a wonderful and tremendously overworked doctor to take on all those AHCCCS patients)
Now, they want $140 MORE per month for 2016. In addition to raising my rate they sent a list of additional exclusions that they will not cover. They will not cover federally mandated medical procedures unless the patients life is at risk. Ok, read that as: Despite having been made legal in all states, they are refusing to provide abortion under a plan that is NOT being subsidized by taxpayer money. I am getting no discount or supplement to my monthly premium by ANY government agency. This is not a benefit I will ever use, but being told that HealthNet is all up in the decisions concerning MY uterus is offensive to me and a breech of the freedom for which everyone claims to be supporting.
I thought my research was so complete last year when I chose the plan. I was actually guided to the plan by someone on their payroll. To add insult to injury, I discovered too late that they must have some connection with Walmart, which in my opinion is very revealing. Now I need to go to Walmart and see if there are any loopholes I need to close in order to ditch this awful plan.