| - The space is operational. That declaration says a great deal. Not many 'deli's' are able to be declared operational. The Family that runs/owns the place are first and foremost intelligent, and as such have shaped their business to reflect a niche within the community. Sam's is many things -- a sports bar (well done renovation!), a pool hall, a place designed to cater to a variety of desires and demand (IE that a large, casual group may require), a Sunday brunch location (excellent one, given the cost), a one-on-one meeting place... they really understand community. Although the design of the place may appear 'chain-business', that is far from the actual case. Rather, the appearance of Sam's indicates the dynamic range of what type of 'business demands' the owners are prepared to respond to. Instead of pulling the 'niche' marketing interior design, Sam's has evolved (as any community business will) to accommodate multiple business scenarios. To sound a touch academic, Sam's is a fine illustration of why R Buckminster Fuller stated that humans expressed their best potential because, as a species, they were the ultimate (metazoic) generalists (see: Critical Path)
This business will not specify its abilities -- it doesn't need to. They are sincere with what they will do. Their brunch is more than fine. Top-attention paid by whosoever is working. Their beer selection is an expression of what the community drinks -- ditto their range of spirits and wines. Many food items indicate what locals demand, and some menu items indicate what the family has pride in. For example, their Borscht is in the running for the best borscht you can order in Calgary. It is specific to the culture and geography, yet I would put it up against any other borscht in town (outside of making it from scratch).
The people involved in the business deserve full stars. So much patience, sincerity and local accommodation. I cannot describe in a short review how these people really are the foundations and the capstone of their business. If you want to experience what Hillhurst-Sunnside is like, check out Sam's quite a few times. No visit will be like the other, yet you will notice a 'sameness' (community) running through each event. Trust me. Good times. Good neighbourhood.